Ncell Data and Voice Pack available in eSewa


Purchase Ncell Data and Voice Pack now from eSewa app!

It is our immense pleasure to announce that you can now easily purchase Ncell Voice Pack and Ncell Data Pack directly from the eSewa app. Considering the lockdown period, Ncell has launched various data plans for working, entertainment, learning, etc. at affordable prices and you can purchase them all from eSewa. 

For your convenience, we have placed Ncell Data Pack banners with the “Buy Now” option in eSewa app’s home screen.

But that’s not the end! We are even offering 20 Ncell Data and Voice Pack buyers with promo code worth Rs. 50 which they can redeem in the next topup, and 20 buyers with 300 MB Data every day. Plus, one of you buyers will get a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy A70s (6/128 GB) Smartphone! The winners will be announced after the end of the offer period. 

Please note, the winner of the Smartphone giveaway will be liable to bear the tax amount associated with the product.

The Weekly offer of Promo code and 300 MB data pack has ended. But, you can still win Samsung Galaxy A70s at the end of the offer period.

How to buy Ncell Data or Voice Pack from eSewa app?

Step 1: Log in to your eSewa app.

Step 2: Tap on the “Buy Now” option in the Ncell Data Pack section.

Step 3: Browse through the detailed data packs and tap “Buy” for your desired option.

Step 4: Enter the mobile number you would like to purchase data for and tap on “Proceed”.

(Note: Enter Promo Code if you have any to earn extra reward points / cashback.)

Step 5: Review the details and tap on “Confirm”.

Step 6: Complete the transaction using MPIN/ Fingerprint.

इसेवाबाट Ncell Data/Voice Pack कसरी खरिद गर्ने ?

१. इसेवा एपमा लग इन गर्नुहोस् । 

२. एपमा देखाइएको Ncell Data Pack सेक्सन को Buy Now अप्सनमा थिच्नुहोस् ।

३. आफु ले चाहेको Voice/Data Pack को Buy अप्सनमा थिच्नुहोस् ।

४. Data/Voice Pack खरिद गर्न चाहनुभएको मोबाईल नम्बर भरी Proceed अप्सनमा थिच्नुहोस् ।

५. देखाइएको विवरण जाँच गरी Confirm अप्सनमा थिच्नुहोस् ।

६. आफ्नो MPIN/Fingerprint दाखिला गरी प्याक खरिद प्रक्रीया पुरा गर्नुहोस् । 

Purchase your appropriate Ncell Data or Voice Pack, easily and instantly from eSewa app. Daily winners for the week will be announced every Tuesday.

Frequently Asked Question:

Why does the price of Ncell Data Pack seem to be expensive in eSewa?

Even though the price may seem to be expensive in eSewa, users get the same value whether they buy data packs directly from eSewa, or they first topup their balance and then buy the data packs. The reason behind the price being more in eSewa is because of ownership tax. While recharging a mobile number, ownership tax is deducted in the main balance. But, as the ownership tax has not been deducted while buying Data Packs directly from eSewa, the price is shown inclusive of the ownership tax. This ownership tax amount is owed to the government.

For example, when you recharge Rs. 100 in your Ncell number, the ownership tax of 2% is deducted beforehand and you receive Rs. 98.03 in the main balance. From this, you can purchase Youtube 1 Day Nonstop Pack at Rs. 31.92 including tax.
In case of purchasing the same pack directly from eSewa, users haven’t yet paid the ownership tax. Thus, this ownership tax of 2% gets added to the price of data pack and it is seen as Rs. 32.56.

इसेवामा डेटा प्याक र भोइस प्याकको मूल्य किन महँगो देखिन्छ ?

एनसेल एपमा र इसेवा एपमा डेटा र भोइस प्याकको मूल्य तुलना गर्दा इसेवामा महँगो देखिए पनि मोबाईल टपअप गरेर डेटा प्याक किन्दा र इसेवा एपबाट सिधै उक्त प्याक किन्दाको मूल्य उस्तै पर्न आउँछ । तर झट्ट हेर्दा इसेवा एपमा महँगो देखिनुको कारण स्वामित्व कर हो । जब तपाईंले मोबाईल रिचार्ज गर्नुहुन्छ, स्वामित्व करको लागि झन्डै २% जति रकम काटिएको हुन्छ । इसेवा एपबाट किन्न खोज्दा मोबाईल ब्यालेन्समा झैँ पहिले नै स्वामित्व कर काटिसकिएको हुँदैन । तर स्वामित्व कर सरकारलाई तिर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । यसको मतलब इसेवा एपमा देखाइएको मूल्य स्वामित्व करसहितको मूल्य हो ।

उदाहरणका लागि तपाईंले मोबाईलमा १०० रुपैयाँ रिचार्ज गर्नुभयो भने २% स्वामित्व कर काटिन्छ र मोबाईलमा ९८.०३ रुपैयाँ आउँछ । मोबाईलमा आएको यस ब्यालेन्सबाट तपाईंले YouTube 1 Day Nonstop Pack मूल्य अभिबृद्धि करसहित ३१.९२ रुपैयाँमा किन्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।

सोहि प्याक सिधै इसेवा एपबाट किन्न खोज्नुभयो भने, तपाईंले मोबाईल रिचार्ज गर्दा तिर्नुपर्ने २% स्वामित्व कर इसेवा एपबाटै तिर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । उक्त स्वामित्व कर डेटा प्याकको मूल्यमा जोडिएर आउँछ र डेटा प्याकको मूल्य ३२.५६ रुपैयाँ देखिन्छ ।

Initial Price of Youtube
Nonstop Data – 7 Day
TSC (13%) Price with TSC Ownership Tax (2%) Price with TSC and
Ownership Tax
VAT(13%) Total
Ncell 100 13 113 Already Paid at the
time of recharge
14.69 127.69
eSewa 100 13 113 2.26 115.26 14.98 130.24

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We are launching further offers on our social media platforms soon, so check out our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Viber Community.

Don’t have an eSewa app on your smartphone? Download it today:

We update the ongoing offers on our social media platforms. Stay Tuned to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Viber Community for further updates.

22 thoughts on “Ncell Data and Voice Pack available in eSewa

  1. यो अफर जुन मोबाइल नम्बर मा pack जान्छ तेसलाई हो कि हामी लाई हो सरकार ????

    1. नमस्ते सर,
      याे अफर डाटा प्याक किन्नुहुने ग्राहकका लागि लागुहुनेछ।

    1. नमस्ते सर,
      हाम्राे विभिन्न अफरहरू अन्तर्गत प्राेमाे काेड तपाइंलाइ एपकाे नाेटिफिकेसनद्वारा प्रदान गरिनेछ ।

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