Rukshana Ali
eSewa Care मा eSewa Agentहरुको लागि उपहार नै उपहार!
eSewa Care मार्फत तपाईंले आफ्नो र आफ्नो परिवारको स्वास्थ्यमा ढुक्क हुन सक्नुहुनेछ। eSewa Care मार्फत खरिदकर्ताले मात्र रु ३६० मा रु २३०,००० सम्मको आर्थिक सुरक्षा हुने स्वास्थ्य बीमाका साथै अन्य […]
Mega Link Mania Offer | Win Weekly, Daily and Monthly Prizes by paying via Linked Account
Have you linked your bank account already in eSewa? How often do you pay directly via your linked bank account to save yourself time and hassles? There has never been […]
Exciting offer for our merchants!
Are you a new merchant that has just joined our eSewa family? We are excited to introduce our latest QR Campaign just for you. If you are a newly active transacting merchant with eSewa, […]
Score Big with DishHome: Win 3 Months of Fibernet in the Asia Cup Offer!
How excited are you to watch Nepal’s National Cricket Team score fours and sixes? As we cheer together in union for our National Team, we have additional good news for […]
Rakhi Rewards
Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with eSewa and get a chance to win big! As the festive spirit fills the air, we at eSewa believe in making your celebrations even more special. […]