इसेवाले रिफर एण्ड अर्न अफर सार्वजनिक गरेको छ। कोरोना भाइरसको प्रकोपका कारण सबैजना घरमा बसिरहेको बेला यो अफरबाट इसेवा खातामा रिफरल बोनस प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ।
अफर अन्तर्गत इसेवा चलाउन सिकाए बापत प्रतिग्राहक ८० रुपैयाँसम्म प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ।
इसेवाका प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत सुभास सापकोटाले भने ‘हरेक नेपालीलाई डिजिटल कारोबारमा जोड्ने उदेश्यका साथ यो योजना सुरु गरिएको हो।’
इसेवामा हाल ५० वटा बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्था सदस्य रहेका छन्। यी बैंकबाट इसेवामा सहजै रकम जम्मा गर्न तथा इसेवाबाट बैंक खातामा रकम पठाउन सकिन्छ।
Source: Setopati
how can i refrer my friends
Hello sir,
To refer eSewa to your friends, follow the below process:
Open eSewa app, you will find “refer and earn” invite button. You can see the general information about “refer and earn”, tap on continue button. Are now asked permission to sync and store your contacts, tap on accept button. Once the contacts are synced, inside “Refer and Earn” tab of the app, you can now see contacts in 3 different categories: Registration, Load, and Transaction.
To learn more visit: https://blog.esewa.com.np/refer-earn/
Hello sir how to get reward after refers?
Hello Sir,
When you send a referral message, if the other person registers/loads/ or transact on eSewa (of min. Rs. 100) by clicking on the link you sent, then you will be eligible for the refer and earn bonus. The bonus amount will be automatically updated in your eSewa account. If you have followed this procedure and still did not receive bonus amount, please contact us in our Facebook messenger or Viber us at +977 9868842121.
Thank you.