ग्रामीण भेगमा वित्तीय पहुँच पुर्‍याउन इसेवा र सक्षमबिच हस्ताक्षर

इसेवा क्यास पोइन्टको तर्जुमा, विकास तथा कार्यान्वयन गर्नका लागि इसेवा प्रा. ली. ले युके एडको सक्षम (एक्सेस टु फाइनान्स) सँग एक सम्झौतामा हस्ताक्षर गरेको छ। सम्झौतापत्रमा इसेवाका प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत […]

Fundamentals of Digital Nepal

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about “Digital Nepal”, government has come up with plans to modernize (digitize) various sectors like agriculture, health, education, finance and etcetera. On […]

Kaspersky X-Lab bag winners

Congratulations to the Kaspersky Total Security buyers who have won X-Lab bags on making online payment using eSewa. The winners are: Achyut Prasad Paudel Sajjan Utsuk Sapkota Rishav Sarraf Achyut […]