Stay active while staying at home.

Stay active while staying at home

The lockdown enforced because of the increasing spread of COVID-19 has led us to spend all of our time inside our homes. Some of us are working from home or attending online classes. But in all this, our physical activity has decreased significantly. Low levels of physical activity and increased passiveness can result in health problems in the long run. So, it is essential for us to engage ourselves in workout sessions to stay fit.

With most of the gym and fitness centers also closed, here we have some work out exercises you can practice at home:



Practicing yoga postures and meditation helps to keep the body fit as well as calms our mind. It also helps in maintaining a balanced metabolism and improves respiration. Yoga also helps manage stress, which is very important at this time. Some of the basic Yoga poses one can try as a beginner include Downward-facing dog and Two-knee spinal twist.

Jump rope

Jumprope is one of the simplest yet most effective exercises to keep our body engaged. Around 30 minutes of jump rope every day can help us stay active all day. It is fun, as well as helps in burning calories and improves coordination. If you do try jump rope, keep in mind to pick a flat surface and there are no small rocks or sticks in the way.


Dancing could be another fun way to stay active during the lockdown. Dancing is a full-body workout and like jump rope helps in burning calories. It helps to improve muscle strength, increases coordination, flexibility, and boosts confidence. For dancing, you can choose between Zumba, Aerobics, Hip-hop, and others.

Besides these, you can try push-ups, pull-ups, plank, and crunches. In addition to exercise, drink lots of water, consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, and healthy homemade foods to stay healthy and active.

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