१०० मा १०० Ncell Flash Offer

NCELL Flash Offer

के तपाईंले आजभोली इसेवा एप खोल्दा “Have a Promo code” बटन देख्नु भएको छ ?

तपाईंले Promo code कहिले पाउनु हुनेछ भनि अपेक्षा गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ ?

हामीले सम्पूर्ण ग्राहकका लागि पहिलो पटक लिएर आएका छौँ १०० मा १०० Ncell Flash Offer!

भोली बैशाख ३० गते १० बजे आफ्नो वा आफुले चिनेको व्यक्तिको Ncell नम्बरमा १०० वा १०० भन्दा बढी रकमको मोबाईल टपअप गर्नुहोस् र आफ्नो इसेवा खातामा १०० रिवार्ड पोइन्ट तुरुन्तै पाउनुहोस् ।

ढिला नगर्नुहोस्, यो अफर भोली बैशाख ३० गते बिहान १० बजे सुरु भएर मात्र १ घण्टाको लागि सिमित रहनेछ र पहिलो १००० जना ग्राहकहरु जस्ले Ncell को टपअप गर्नुहुनेछ, उहाँहरुले मात्र यो अफरको फाइदा उठाउनसक्नुहुनेछ ।

Ncell Flash Offer मा सहभागी कसरी हुने ?

  • भोली बिहान तोकिएको समयमा आफ्नो इसेवा एपको Topup icon मा थिच्नुहोस् ।
  • Ncell नम्बर र topup गर्न चाहनुभएको रकम (रु १०० वा १०० भन्दा बढी) दाखिला गरी “Have a Promo Code?” बटनमा थिच्नुहोस ।
  • Promo Code मा “FLASH100” राखी अगाडी बढ्नुहोस् ।
  • स्क्रीनमा देखाइएको जानकारी पुन: एक पटक जाँच गर्नुहोस् र आफ्नो MPIN दाखिला गरी topup प्रक्रिया पूरा गर्नुहोस् ।

यदी तपाईं अफर अवधीको सुरुवात देखि पहिलो १००० ग्राहक मध्यमा पर्नुभयो भने तपाईंले १०० reward point तुरुन्तै पाउनुहुनेछ ।

हामी Promo Code सम्बन्धी योजनाहरु भविष्यमा फेरी पनि अवश्य लिएर आउनेछौँ । हाम्रो योजनाहरुको बारे जानकारीका लागि हामीलाई Facebook, Instagram, Twitter तथा Viber मा follow गर्न नभुल्नुहोला ।

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We update the ongoing offers on our social media platforms. Stay Tuned to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Viber Community for further updates.

128 thoughts on “१०० मा १०० Ncell Flash Offer

    1. Hello Sir,
      Thank you so much for your participation. The FLASH100 promo code offer on Ncell topup served the first 1000 customers who did the transaction. After it reached 1000 customers, the offer had ended.
      We will have more offers with Promo code in the coming days. Stay tuned!

  1. Maile ta promr code haler topup gare tar mero 100 reward point ayena ahile sama 😥😥😥

  2. It promo code is FLASH100 does not mach show session time expired why

    1. Hello Sir,
      The FLASH100 promo code offer on Ncell topup served the first 1000 customers who did the transaction. After it reached 1000 customers, the offer had ended.
      We will have more offers with Promo code in the coming days. Stay tuned!

    1. Sir,
      The FLASH100 promo code offer on Ncell topup served the first 1000 customers who did the transaction. After it reached 1000 customers, the offer had ended.
      We will have more offers with Promo code in the coming days. Stay tuned!

  3. I used the code and top up 100 rs in ncell number but didnt receive reward point… was that due to error in system or just a fraud scam??

    1. Hello Sir,
      The FLASH100 promo code offer on Ncell topup served the first 1000 customers who did the transaction. After it reached 1000 customers, the offer had ended.
      We will have more offers with Promo code in the coming days. Stay tuned!

  4. खोइ त मैले १०:०१मा recharge गरेको रिवार्ड आयननी त??

    1. नमस्ते,
      FLASH100 प्रोमो कोड राखी Ncell टपअप गर्दा आउने १०० रिवार्ड पोइन्ट पहिलो १००० जना ग्राहकको लागि थियो र सो अफर १००० ग्राहकहरू पुगेपछि समाप्त भईसकेको छ । भविष्यमा पुन: प्रोमो कोडको अफरका साथ हामी आउने नै छौं ।

    1. Sir,
      Thank you for your interest in this offer. The FLASH100 promo code offer on Ncell topup served the first 1000 customers who did the transaction. After it reached 1000 customers, the offer had ended.
      We will have more offers with Promo code in the coming days. Stay tuned!

    1. Hello Sir,
      The offer was for 100 reward points. This offer has already ended. We will be coming with new offers soon. Stay tuned!
      Thank you.

  5. When will get reward points?
    I have done topup on the time and promo code was valid but reward points do not update up to now. What’s the reason behind it?

  6. Hello esewa don’t be like ncell #lutnako laagi cause when i have done topup at 10 am with Promocode it said topup confirmed but later it said process was cancelled. So, don’t be like Ncell #lutnakolagi.

    1. Hello Sir,
      Thank you so much for your participation in our Ncell Flash Offer. The FLASH100 promo code offer on Ncell topup served the first 1000 customers who did the transaction. After it reached 1000 customers, the offer had ended.
      We will have more offers with Promo code in the coming days. Stay tuned!

  7. I think this offer disappointed more users than it encouraged. Because it showed 2 minutes countdown but users didn’t get the reward within that 2 minutes. I did exactly at 10:00 AM but didn’t get the reward. How fast a person should be to win? Totally disappointing.

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