Participate and get a chance to win Samsung Galaxy M62 at just Rs. 50. Additionally, 5 lucky ones will get Rs. 1,000 balance in eSewa.
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Winners of “Rs. 50 maa iPhone 12 Pro” offer
Winners of Rs. 50 maa iPhone 12 Pro offer.
Winners of “Rs. 11 offer”- Ashadh 2078
The winners of 55″ CG Smart TV and Rs. 1,000 in eSewa account under “Rs. 11 offer”- Ashadh 2078.
Load from NIBL & Win
Load eSewa from NIBL’s Internet banking and win exciting gifts.
Winners of Rs. 21 maa Naya Phone haatmaa offer
Winners of Rs. 21 maa Naya Phone Haatmaa Offer.
Win OnePlus Nord at Rs. 21
Participate in Rs. 21 offer and grab a chance to win OnePlus Nord at just Rs. 21. Additional 10 lucky ones will get Rs. 500 in their eSewa wallet.