Join eSewa Viber Community!

Connect with eSewa through viber community

Join eSewa Viber Community!
For latest updates and offers.

Your digital wallet, eSewa is now on Viber Community. You will now get information on the newest services, latest offers, and other deals through the Viber community. Join the community by clicking here today, and stay in the loop of our latest updates.
Viber is one of the most used messaging apps. We are able to send text messages, group call our friends, and share interesting articles, or videos to each other, through Viber. It is a quick and easy platform for communication.

Do not forget to invite your friends to join the community and help them enjoy our offers!

We post regular updates on our Social Media Channels. Follow us on our FacebookInstagram, and Twitter accounts.

Don’t have an eSewa app on your smartphone? Download it today:

We update the ongoing offers on our social media platforms. Stay Tuned to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Viber Community for further updates.

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