eSewa acknowledges and appreciates continuous love and support of our users who have helped us become the leader in the online payment industry. eSewa Champs Awards Winners will be awarded with 1,000 Reward Points. Top 5 highest transactor from each of following services of Kartik are listed below.
- Mobile Topup
- TV Topup
- Arilines
- N.E.A
Thank you for all your contributions. We truly appreciate your commitment and dedication.
Mobile Topup
Rita Basnet Ganesh Shrestha Chintan Timsina Sharadh Sapkota Janganath Bimli
T.V. Topup
Angad Gupta Arjun kumar shrestha Bhimraj Ojha Rishi Prasad Sedai Shankar Shrestha
Ajay Shrestha Mammon Karki Raghu Prasai Roshan Shrestha Sulochan Barakoti
Govinda Psd Subedi Sanjay Chaudhary Shree Krishna Gupta Sumat Shrestha Yubraj Adhikari
Jayanta Chamlagain Nil Bahadur Malla Shreejana Sth Gurung Tarjan Rana Rabindra Lamsal