Book Flight Tickets via eSewa & Win Exciting Weekly Prizes Summer is almost here, you might have travel plans. Thinking of traveling soon? Got your tickets? If you haven’t […]
Rock Yatra 2: 1974 AD’s Grand Comeback
1974 AD is set to rock the stage again with Rock Yatra 2 If we ever decide to write the name of greatest Nepali bands in a silver plate then the name […]
eSewa Maha-Utsav’s Winner Ravi Bamjan Receives NAMMI Car
Nepal’s leading digital wallet company has successfully handed over the NAMMI Car to the lucky winner of eSewa Maha-Utsav Ravi Bamjan. The campaign Maha-Utsav was launched to celebrate Nepal’s biggest […]
eSewa and Himalayan Bank: Partnership for Digital Convenience
eSewa and Himalayan Bank have partnered to expand the convenience of digital payments in Nepal. The first and leading digital wallet company in Nepal has taken another vital step to […]
नेपालमा अनलाइन ठगी र यसबाट बच्ने उपायहरू
नेपालमा अनलाइन ठगी र यसबाट बच्ने उपायहरू! आजको आधुनीक युगमा सामाजिक सञ्जाल, हाम्रो जीवनको अभिन्न अंग बनिसकेको छ । फेसबुक, इन्स्टाग्राम, ट्विटर जस्ता सामाजिक सञ्जालको प्रयोग गरेर हामी सजिलै हाम्रो […]
इसेवा र हिमालयन बैंक बीच सहज डिजिटल कारोबार
इसेवा र हिमालयन बैंक बीच सहज डिजिटल कारोबार ! नेपालको पहिलो तथा अग्रणी डिजिटल भुक्तानी सेवा प्रदायक कम्पनी इसेवा र हिमालयन बैंक बीच विद्युतीय कारोबार सम्भव बनाउनको लागि साझेदारी भएको […]